You may be eligible for basic compensation or increased compensation benefits from the U.S. Veterans Administration if:
- You have a disability which was incurred during military service and may have become worse;
- You have a disease or other condition which was incurred and treated during your military service and has recurred.
You may be eligible for a pension from the Veterans Administration, depending upon your other income if:
- You are a disabled wartime veteran unable to work;
- You are a veteran of any war;
- You are the dependent parent of a veteran who died in military action;
- You are the eligible widow of a deceased wartime veteran.
You may be eligible for certain educational and medical benefits, if:
- Your spouse/parent has a disability rated as 100 percent service connected� by the Veterans Administration;
- Your spouse/parent died of a service-connected disability. (You may also be eligible for other compensatory benefits.)
You are eligible for medical care from the Veterans Administration depending upon resource availability if:
- You require care but cannot afford to pay such care.
You are entitled to medical care for any condition from the Veterans Administration if:
- You are a veteran with a service-connected disability during peacetime or time of war.
- You are a WW1 veteran;
- You are a former prisoner of war.
- You were awarded the Purple Heart.
Congresswoman – Kat Cammack
Veterans’ Services
Veterans’ Service Newsletter